Hi, I'm Colby

Frontend Designer | Full Stack Developer | React and Django Specialist

Work Experience

Custom Sales Dashboard and DevOps Pipeline

Custom Sales Dashboard and DevOps Pipeline

A Dashboard to view, manage, and compute sales data.

Automated Report Manager and API

Automated Report Manager and API

A Reporting tool to consolodate sales data, send out weekly reports, and UI for other company functions

Online Learning Platform

Online Learning Platform

A React Django Application built for HR team to upload videos and employees to watch.

Synopsys Blackduck Primary User

Synopsys Blackduck Primary User

A Software for checking code dependencies and License detection.

OVT Internship

OVT Internship

Interned at Omnivision and created functional and integration tests using Selenium


Teamfight Tactics Calculator

Teamfight Tactics Calculator

A calculator to test different item combos and also roll odds with X gold

Boba Bear

Boba Bear

A generic Boba Shop website. Can upload menu, change prices, and order drinks.